Myths & Legends

Blue Lotus | Every Day is A New Chance to Start Again
Some seasons in our lives are painful & last longer than we expected. But, every day there is another opportunity to change course. Believe in the strong, vibrant roots of who you are. In Anc...
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The Goddess Iset: Magic of the Nile River
There is a goddess named Iset, who lives in a land of golden sand and azure skies. She was a powerful and beautiful figure, with long, flowing hair the color of the Nile and eyes that sparkled li...
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Sometimes, life sends us moments to make us pause. Do you believe those are moments of significance or random coincidences? Personally, I always find the meaning worth reflecting on because the m...
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For Ancient Egyptians, the sun-deity, Atum, was an all powerful entity that created himself through sheer will. They believed he was the creator of mankind and the other gods (including ISET, who...
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